How to Practice PTE Speaking Properly: Tips & Tricks

How to Practice PTE Speaking Properly - Tips & Tricks How many scores do you want to achieve in the PTE Speaking section? If your aim point is 90, you’d better read this article.

We’ll provide a full guide, pointing out what you should and shouldn’t do in each part of the PTE Speaking test. This section evaluates your speaking skill in 24-37 minutes, certified by the face-to-face examiner.
Our tips will help the newbies start conveniently and improve their ability to concentrate if they are advanced learners. Let’s see!


What You Need To Know About PTE Speaking Test


The first section in the PTE exam is Speaking & Writing. Your listening and speaking skills will be assessed in these Speaking tasks.

A short tone is a sign to start, and then you’ll answer the questions in turn into a microphone. Try arranging your ideas and answering the queries fluidly and logically. You’ll continue with the next question after finishing the record.

AI will give points based on the skills:

  • Your pronunciation is easy to hear and understand.
  • You provide detailed information, specific examples, and clear explanations, with exact stress, pronunciation, and intonations.
  • Words and phrases used in your speech are correct.
  • Your voice is loud and clear.
  • Your speaking content is logical and persuasive in a limited time.
    Don’t worry when you cannot pronounce like native speakers because PTE Academic allows English pronunciation variations.


You have 54-67 minutes to complete the PTE Speaking & Writing, in which you must go through 5 various question types within 24-37 minutes.

How to Practice PTE Speaking Properly: Tips & Tricks

With 5 different types of questions in the PTE Speaking, you need to pocket the additional tips. We’ll start:

For Personal Introduction

This is an unscored question, but it is the first segment of your speaking section and a good chance to make the examiners impressive. You must read the prompt and prepare your answer in 25 seconds; the next 30 seconds are the time of recording.

Despite the short time, you’d better use it effectively to consider the voice and content in your introduction. By following our strategies, you can optimize your PTE Speaking section:

  • Briefly introduce yourself, including your name, academic and personal background, experience in working (if applicable), and motivation for further studies.
  • Correctly Pronounce with formal and professional language.
  • Concentrate on the central points instead of saying lengthy.
  • Present in a confident and enthusiastic voice.
  • Start speaking when hearing the beep sound.
  • Record your introduction when beginning the countdown.
  • Avoid talking too fast, and try maintaining your moderate speech because you have 30 seconds for this personal introduction.
  • Complete your personal introduction in a limited time. You must finish speaking before your recording ends.

For Read Aloud

Your performance in the Read Aloud question part is appreciated based on pronunciation, content, and oral fluency. To reach a good score in this section, you’d better:

  • Learn how to twist your different tongues from the initial days of your preparation.
  • Use 40 seconds to review the text before activating the microphone.
  • Don’t add, replace, or omit any words because these are counted as extra words. If you make this mistake, continue speaking and never make corrections.
  • Speak with a smooth and natural pace.
  • Interrupt the sentence correctly and stress efficiently.
  • Avoid hesitation because it’ll affect your score.
  • Identify the proper pause points throughout the reading.
  • Read and prepare everything in 30-40 seconds.
  • Begin speaking when listening to a short tone.
  • Complete your speaking in the limited time.
  • Don’t hesitate for over 3 seconds, or the recording will stop.

For Repeat Sentence

As the name suggests, you’ll repeat the sentence emitted from the recording. It is important that you only have one opportunity to record your answer, so you need the following:

  • Remember the sentence effectively by understanding its meaning.
  • Keep the sentence in mind rather than using the Erasable Noteboard Booklet.
  • Speak as soon as the clip ends.
  • Don’t rush, and let’s repeat the entire sentence in the correct word order.
  • Calm down! Speak loudly and clearly to avoid stumbling at the beginning.
  • Imitate the intonation and speech of a speaker while maintaining your voice tone.
  • Likely concentrate on the keywords if you cannot remember all.
  • Monitor the recording status box and speak immediately if it displays “Recording”.

For Describe Images

There is an image on the screen, and you must analyze it and respond in 25 seconds. In the short time, you’ll need:

  • Read the image title to understand its context.
  • Take notes about the image by using the Erasable Noteboard Booklet.
  • Avoid omitting the crucial details in your answer, including all elements and aspects.
  • Generally state the image before, then continue to give the important explanations related to it.
  • Confidently pronounce the word with a comfortable speed even if you don’t know how to pronounce it.
  • Utilize the connecting words, such as “besides”, “but”, “furthermore”, or “also” to link the information.
  • Add various parts of the image, developments, or conclusions.
  • Describe the image by the proper introductory words—“depicts”, “illustrate”, “elucidate”, relying on its context.
  • Finish your description in time, and remember not to leave an incomplete sentence.

For Re-tell Lecture

This part requires you to present academic lecture content in a way that you understand. Prepare everything in 10 seconds. Once you have these tips, you can make this short time perfect.

  • Scan the information within 3 seconds.
  • Take notes of the essential parts while hearing the recording with the Erasable Noteboard Booklet.
  • Organize your response in 10 seconds effectively.
  • Cover all related information from the lecture in your speech.
  • Give out the common statement before you summarize the key points of the content.
  • Involve the situations, relations, aspects, characters, actions, conclusions, and developments in your recording.
  • Discuss the incident developments and conclusions within 8 seconds last.
  • Maintain a stable speed and pronunciation during your 40-second speaking portion.
  • Add the keywords to your re-tell lecture to increase the context for the topic.
  • Summarize your exam portion within 3-5 sentences efficiently.

For Answer Short Question

You’ll have to rely on your vocabulary to achieve the maximum in the Answer Short Question part. Combining with our following tips is PERFECT:

  • Try to give a short answer.
  • Show your clear speaking, correct pronunciation, and exact word stress.
  • Allow yourself to think with the difficult questions, but not over 3 seconds.
  • Skip the question that you cannot respond to and continue moving on to the later question.
  • Ensure the right grammar in your response.
  • Maintain a steady speech throughout your answer.


You’ll have to showcase your ability to communicate and pronounce in the PTE Speaking test. And we hope that our guide has shown you how to do that.
After you’ve known the module exactly and understood the test format, let’s adopt the effective strategies and practice frequently. Ensure that you can get a good achievement on your Speaking test. Always be confident and win!
