What Jobs Can I Get with an IT Degree?
tips for students renting off-campus Information Technology (IT) is a vast field that touches just about everything concerning computers, data, internet, networking, and connectivity. Jobs in the field are booming and are often well-paid positions. This is because anyone with an IT degree is usually highly trained and specializes in a particular area of IT. There are so many different career paths you can take in the world of IT that it can be overwhelming to think about. Here are three great jobs you can get with your IT degree.
Computer and Internet Franchises
With the world becoming more connected and the technology industry booming, according to Franchise Gator, the need for computer and internet franchises will always be in demand. Online categories such as cybersecurity companies, networking companies, computer education, digital marketing and more have lucrative franchising models. With an IT degree, you have the benefit and knowledge to push your business to the top. A benefit of computer and internet franchises is that it’s inexpensive to get started. In some cases, you could get started with only a few hundred dollars.
Software Developer
Nothing runs without software and there is always a demand for more of it. Whether you work for a major software firm, you freelance, or you start your own software firm, there are plenty of opportunities in the software development industry. In fact, according to Maryville University and others, the number of available software developer jobs will increase through 2028.
Cloud Architect
If you think the statistics are amazing for software developers, the statistics for cloud architects are even more impressive. In 2018, the annual median salary for this job was just over $146,000. The demand for this job is increasing at an exponential rate so job security is great. This is due to the fact that large corporations, having recently realized the benefits of cloud storage versus large data centers, are now choosing to use cloud storage for their massive amounts of data.
As long as you have an IT degree, it’s safe to say that you’ll be employed in the future. The outlook for the industry is extremely positive and there may be a possibility where there are more jobs than there are people to fill them. Since they’re well-paying jobs, you can look forward to a very lucrative future.
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